As part of the federal government’s $147 million investment in Massachusetts, the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Challenge Process is a statewide initiative to ensure that our residents can access the internet.
The BEAD Challenge Process will identify locations that do not have internet speeds of 100/20 mbps available. To do this we need your help.
While National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) doesn’t allow individuals to submit challenges directly, Massachusetts residents will play an important role in the Challenge Process by identifying inaccuracies in the Massachusetts Broadband Map.
Residents have three ways to participate in the Challenge Process:
- Use the Massachusetts Broadband Map & Challenge Portal directly: Residents may submit speed tests, to measure their internet speed, and evidence directly through the challenge portal. A speed test measures the internet connection performance at a particular location. Begin by typing in your address, and follow the steps outlined in the User Guide, starting on page 13.
- MBI has partnered with Connected Nation to be the official resident challenge passthrough organization. If you need assistance in participating in the Challenge Process, contact them at: mabeadsupport@connectednation.org.
- Residents can work with registered eligible challengers, such as non-profits, local governments or tribal governments to submit challenges on their behalf. Contact information for the registered eligible challengers offering public support will be posted on the BEAD webpage.
Additional resources can be found on the Challenge Process main webpage.