April 1 - June 30, 2013
- Executed Pole Attachment and Conduit Agreement with Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
- Executed Pole Attachment Agreement with Time Warner Cable
- Executed Pole Attachment Agreement with City of Pittsfield
- Executed Pole Attachment Agreement with PJ Keating Company
- Received 717 Verizon pole licenses for a total of 32,320 (99% complete).
- Received 725 electric utility pole licenses for a total of 30,153 (99% complete).
- Released 23 fully-licensed fiber miles to construction for aerial installation for a total of 918 miles for the project (99% complete).
- Installed 78 route miles of messenger strand for a total of 853 route miles for the project (93% complete).
- Installed 223 cable miles of aerial fiber optic cable for a total of 899 cable miles (including slack and sag) for the project (92% complete).
- Received licenses for 2 miles conduit for a total of 41 miles to date (99% complete).
- Installed 11,801 feet of conduit for a total of 35,217 feet for the project (74% complete).
- Completed 129 Community Anchor Institution site installations for a total of 711 locations for the project (90% complete).
- Completed 73 Community Anchor Institution fiber terminations for a total of 333 locations for the project (42% of locations complete).
- Completed 5 Point of Interconnection and collocation site installations for a total of 22 to date (81% complete).
- Completed turnover of a network segment to Network Operator, serving an additional Community Anchor Institution.
- Received approval on 4th formal Award Action Request for modifications of construction plans pending NTIA approval of route adjustments.
- Received approval on No Cost Extension Award Action Request through January 2014.