September 1 - December 31, 2012
- Executed pole attachment agreement with FairPoint Communications.
- Executed Indefeasible Rights of Use agreement with Westfield Gas & Electric Light Department.
- Executed Indefeasible Rights of Use agreement with South Hadley Electric Light Department.
- Received 6,805 Verizon pole licenses for a total of 28,601 (87% complete).
- Received 4,119 WMECO pole licenses for a total of 14,674 (86% complete).
- Received 3,782 National Grid pole licenses for a total of 11,536 (87% complete).
- Released 345 fully-licensed fiber miles to construction for aerial installation for a total of 740 miles for the project (79% complete).
- Installed 263 miles of messenger strand for a total of 470 miles for the project (51% complete).
- Installed 168 miles of aerial fiber optic cable for a total of 288 miles for the project (31% complete).
- Received licenses for 10,718 feet of conduit for a total of 136,118 feet to date.
- Installed 422 feet of conduit for a total of 7,181 feet for the project.
- Completed designs for 13 Community Anchor Institutions for a total of 782 locations (97% complete).
- Completed 85 Community Anchor Institution site installations for a total of 538 locations for the project (67% complete).
- Completed 179 Community Anchor Institution fiber terminations (22% of locations complete).
- Completed 8 Point of Interconnection and collocation site installations for a total of 11 to date (46% complete).
- Executed one Letter of Intent with an Internet Service Provider for a total of 27; community outreach and sustainability efforts are ongoing.
- Submitted 3rd formal Award Action Request for modifications of construction plans pending NTIA approval of route adjustments.