CLOSED: RFP No. 2024-CAM-03
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative is issuing this Request for Proposals for the Marketing Engagement for Advanced Manufacturing (RFP No.2024-CAM-03) to solicit responses from qualified contractors with experience in developing and executing a traditional and digital marketing campaign to raise awareness for the advanced manufacturing sector. Respondents will be competing against each other for selection to provide the services set forth herein. The submissions of all Respondents shall be compared and evaluated pursuant to the evaluation criteria set forth in this RFP, and a single Respondent may be selected.
The scope of work under this procurement is to expand upon the marketing plan that has been running for the past two years and execute statewide campaigns that promote manufacturing as an exciting career choice, and drive enrollment in manufacturing training programs in Massachusetts. The statewide multichannel marketing campaign should have a higher focus on Gateway Cities and targeted geographical areas to be determined in collaboration with CAM. The scope of work includes the following requirements:
- Manage and drive paid search marketing, including pay per click (PPC) and display ads, to exceed industry benchmarks and to increase website traffic, click-through rates, and conversion rates leading to enrollment in courses and trainings
- Develop a monthly high-level marketing plan (“Roadmap”) to meet expected outcomes with specific tactics to meet target audiences;
- Participate in presentations to state partners on marketing strategy and marketing data analytics;
- Drive traffic to and recommend data-driven updates to the MassMakes website;
- Leverage and evolve existing marketing assets (including but not limited to: images, digital audio spots, video content, website content and messaging);
- Provide technical assistance to Career Technical initiatives (CTI), Advanced Manufacturing Training Grant providers, and Community College programs on marketing and outreach development (flyers, billboards, etc.) and co-branding;
- Target marketing to help fill training seats at open manufacturing training programs;
- Develop and execute vibrant, exciting, creative multi-pronged campaigns (print, digital, radio, podcasts, social media) promoting advanced manufacturing courses, trainings, and career paths;
- Map training offerings across the state to identify gaps (for use in strategic planning), and update the website with MassTech’s Communications team;
- Assist CAM with development of a “Prospect Lead” process;
- Participate in two Community of Practice (COP) and/or strategic planning meetings during year (to understand current training system challenges and to present system improvements);
- Provide support and recommendations for in-house marketing and communications team; and
- Establish a metrics dashboard and tracking against expected outcomes with monthly reports to drive decision making and results.
The selected respondent is expected to interact with CAM and MassTech staff to gain a better understanding of MassTech’s perspective, priorities and actions already underway. This interaction with CAM/MassTech will assist in providing additional context and will help to inform the selected respondent’s plan.
Full details included in the solicitation linked below.
Team Lead: | Austin Vella, |
Date Issued: | January 10, 2024 |
Questions Due: | January 16, 2024 |
Answers to Questions Posted: | January 18, 2024 |
Responses Due: | January 31, 2024 by 5PM EST |
Download Application Documents:
- Download RFP No. 2024-CAM-03 (PDF)
- Download RFP No. 2024-CAM-03 Amendment 1 (PDF) amended 1/26/2024
- Attachment C - Budget Template (EXCEL)
- Questions and Answers Document (PDF) updated 1/26/2024