The Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) is leading a statewide broadband and digital equity planning process, including grant programs as part of the national Internet for All effort. MBI is working to achieve 100% universal internet service in Massachusetts.
As part of the $147 million Broadband, Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program, MBI is required to facilitate a public Challenge Process.
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) rules designate that only eligible challengers, including units of local government, tribal governments, non-profit organizations, and internet service providers can submit challenges. Any organization that falls under one of those categories is considered an "eligible challenger."
Eligible challengers may identify areas needing internet service by submitting challenges. To submit a successful challenge, eligible challengers must register for the online Massachusetts Broadband Map & Challenge Portal, select their challenge type and upload corresponding evidence.
Deadlines are a crucial element of the Challenge Process. It is recommended to submit challenges early. If any errors exist, there will be an opportunity to resubmit, but only within the Challenge Process window.
The Massachusetts Challenge Process will take place over the course of 120 days.
- Challenge Process Begins - 6/20/2024
- Challenge Submission Phase Ends - 7/20/2024
- Rebuttal Phase Opens - 7/26/2024
- Rebuttal Phase Closes - 8/26/2024
- Adjudication Phase Opens - 8/26/2024
- Submission of Final Map/Data to NTIA - 10/18/2024
- Register in the Massachusetts Broadband Map & Challenge Portal.
- Collect evidence and submit a challenge.
- Monitor your email for feedback on evidence submitted.
- Rebut any inaccurate challenges that may be made against your service.
Rebuttal Phase
ISPs will be able to rebut service challenges during the the Rebuttal Phase from July 26 - August 25. More information about the rebuttal workflow will be released soon.
Additional resources can be found on the Challenge Process main webpage.
- How to Register
- User Guide
- Standard Operating Procedures/Evidence Review Guidelines (updated 8/16/24)
- FAQs
- Massachusetts Broadband Map & Challenge Portal
Any questions should be directed to mapfeedback@masstech.org.